I'm Sergei Vas. I live in Boston, MA, where I build the future.
I craft smart, tailored tech strategies that drive real results. With a focus on digital production, I bring extensive experience in app development, web design, and e-commerce. My work spans industries from startups to large corporations, always combining strategic insight with creative execution to exceed expectations. Whether it's for small businesses or big brands, I deliver impactful digital solutions that align with business goals and resonate with audiences.
Personal Skills
- Attention to detail: I take pleasure and sweat the details in everything tech - UIs, backends, frontend, content. Quality work is just how I operate.
- Ability to work with little supervision: I understand people are busy and would love to get things done timely, so I do my best in delivering assignments and projects with little supervision, sparing you the need to closely manage/oversee my work.
I build tech solutions that work. Done right, no shortcuts. Quality is non-negotiable.
Tools, technologies and gadgets I use on a daily basis but not limited to.
React - UI Library
React Native - Cross-platform mobile development framework
Next.js - React Framework
SvelteKit - UI framework
Sanity - Headless CMS
Tailwind CSS - Styling Library
TypeScript - Typed Superset of JavaScript Library
Sass - CSS Preprocessor
VitePress - Static Site Generator
- JavaScript - Programming Language
Visual Studio Code: Text Editor
Google Dev Tools: Web Browser Developer's Tools
Figma - Design Tool
Firebase - Mobile app development and analytics platform
Microsoft Azure / Intune- Cloud-based device management services
Git Bash - Git Terminal
Notion - Note taking and organization
My own curated lineup of code conjurers and digital dynamos that I'm absolutely stoked to meet someday. "In no particular order"